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New Construction Guide in Place to Prevent Illness and Injury

A new health and safety guide for constructions sites has been published by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in an attempt to reduce the number of construction injuries.

Despite the best efforts of health and safety organisations and campaigners, the construction industry remains one of the most dangerous areas for employees to work in with many workers severely injured as a result of working at a height, working with dangerous machinery or even suffering a serious illness obtained on a construction site.

Although efforts have been made to improve the industry, upon the last inspection, carried out by the HSE, there were more than 200 health-related enforcement notices issued by inspectors.

Illnesses and Injuries: Construction Sites UK

Each year it is estimated that thousands of workers are either fatally or seriously injured on construction sites. However, one of the biggest dangers in working in the industry is that later health problems are exceptionally common. According to statistics each week there are more than 100 deaths from construction related illnesses with less than half of all construction workers working until they are 60 due to poor health. With more illnesses being found every day and more health and safety failings in the UK’s construction industry, construction workers are 100 times more likely to suffer from a disease rather than suffer a fatal accident in the workplace. It is believed that this is due to the exposure to certain chemicals and other factors in the industry that leads to problems later on in life.

New Health and Safety Guide: Construction Accidents

It is hoped that the new guide will prevent such incidents from occurring and improve the overall health and safety of workers both when on a construction site. The guide, titled, Occupational health risk management in construction, was written by the Construction Industry Advisory Committee (ConIAC) health and safety campaigners with the Institution of Occupational Safety & Health (IOSH) also contributing.

The guide provides both employers and employees with insights into the industry and highlights some of the risks in the industry as well as looking at the best ways to prevent injuries and accidents. Ian Strudley, Chair of the ConIAC Health Risks Working Group and HSE Principal Specialist Inspector, said: “The misunderstanding of occupational health within the construction sector means that while the industry focuses on managing the more familiar safety issues, serious health risks get ignored. We cannot let this continue.”

Shelley Frost, Executive Director – Policy at IOSH said: “There have been huge advances in improving safety in the construction sector over the last 15 years, but the industry has yet to generate such advances in improving the picture in occupational health.

“This new guide raises awareness of the occupational health issues in construction, demystifies how to best manage them and provides information as to where firms can get help and assistance.

“Ultimately, if the advice is followed, it could help to lower incidence rates of occupational ill-health and transform the perception of working in construction to that of an attractive and respectful industry with great career choices.”

Making a Personal Injury Claim

If you are injured in an accident in the construction industry or in the workplace, or if you have been exposed to chemicals or dangerous substances and suffered an illness. As a result, you can make a claim by contacting our team of expert solicitors using our online contact form.